Hana Caraka - Mining Pack


This pack features a variety of ores and gems as well as the cave tileset. Time to shine like a diamond!

This asset is in development. So, let me know if there's any ores and gems you want in this asset pack!

** Screenshots contain sprites from  Hana Caraka - Base Character  **


  • Unity's ready-easy-to-use Rule Tiles package.
  • Godot Auto Tile Demo.
  • Cave tileset [16x16 px] - with animated water edge! 
  • Entrance, railway, bridge, and some animated stuff.
  • 16 ores [16x16 px]. Each ore comes with:
    • 4 variant of ore nodes.
    • Unique raw ore icon (not recolor). 
    • Ore bar.
    • List - coal, icon, lead, tin, copper, silver, tungsten, gold, platinum, cobalt, palladium, mythril, orichalcum, adamantite, titanium, and meteorite.
  • 8 gems [16x16px]. Each gem comes with:
    • 4 variant of gem nodes.
    • Unique raw gem icon (not recolor).
    • Unique polished gem (not recolor).
    • List - diamond, emerald, topaz, amethyst, ruby, aquamarine, sapphire, and peridot.


You can:

  • Use these assets in any commercial or non-commercial project.
  • Modify the assets as much as you like.
  • Credit is not necessary, but greatly appreciated :)

You can't:

  • Resell, repackage, or redistribute the asset, even if modified.
  • Include these assets in game-making tools or code templates.
  • Use the assets to train AI image generators
  • Use the assets in a crypto, NFT, p2e, or meta-related project

Unduh Di Itch.io
